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 Prices: 'Mindcraft The Musical' N.Z

Amazing Low Price for the 'Mindcraft The Musical' Production Package.

Once purchased, the one off 'Copying License Fee' entitles you to:
  • Unlimited photocopying of the Master 'Cast' and 'Director's Script' for rehearsals.
  • Copy and use the bonus free timesavers and documents provided.
  • Use the free choreography examples and helpful admin provided in the production package.

* 50% Off: 60 Day Risk-Free Trial 

Don't miss our 'Massive Sale' of 50% off the Copy Liscense Fee

Take A Bow Productions will donate $5.00 NZ, to 
'The Fred Hollows Foundation' 
with every production purchased!


New Zealand:

Copying License Fee + plus free materials
Was $198 NZD
Now* Only: $99  NZD
Enjoy 50% off your next school production! 
*Save a Massive $99 NZD!
Pay nothing until after your final performance!
Suggested Songs *Under $28 NZD are all available on iTunes 
Royalties 12% payable on gross ticket sales 
(Or 'flat fee' rate of $50 per performance if no ticket sales)
No postage fee for digital packs.
Suggested iTunes tracks are purchased directly from iTunes using our simple list and instructions, available in the pack.
Ticket sales are a great way for your school to fundraise You will only be invoiced for the above, after your last performance for the season, (if performing this show) or after 60 days of receiving the pack, so lock in these great prices by ordering now!  

Massive Sale

Great Prices!

Save 50% 

Content copyright  2014-19 by R. Sutherland, Take A Bow Productions Ltd © All rights reserved.




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