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Frequently Asked Questions At 'Take A Bow Productions Ltd' we pride ourselves on offering you a first class service and assistance. We aim to answer all emailed questions within 48 hours. We are happy to assist you with any questions, and have included a few frequently asked ones.
1. Can we read the script before deciding to purchase it?
Yes, once the production package is 'ORDERED' online, you have 60 days to read it, we are confident that you will be thrilled with the story and songs. You are responsible for contacting us before the 60 days has ended if you want to cancel the resource. After the trial read period has ended your school will be invoiced for the cost of the production pack. There are no exceptions so please set yourself a reminder to contact us with your decision, before the free trail ends. If you are performing the show, you will not be invoiced for the script until after the final performance, unless you choose to pay the pack costs earlier. If you are unhappy with the product for any reason simply complete the 'cancellation form', within the 60 days of your trial offer, and you will not be invoiced for this product. One copy of each of the production pack resources may be printed only, before pack payment or production details are completed. Electronic or hard copies of the material may only be shared with staff once payment is complete or you have returned the 'production details form'. If any additional copies have been made for reading or rehearsals, then there can be no free cancellation of this pack.
4. What happens when I order the digital production package?
We will email the requested production pack to you for you to read and keep, or cancel and delete if needed, within 60 day trial period for free. You are responsible for noting the end date and contacting us to cancel BEFORE this date without charge, using our 'cancellation from'. You will be charged the pack amount after this date. The pack includes a 'Production Details Form' (if you intend to fundraise by charging for tickets). Or a 'Flat Fee Form' (if you are doing gold coin donations or charity performances). The form must be signed and emailed back to us as a scanned copy, (or posted) before we can send you your endorsed perfromance-photocopy license back to you. Please return the production details form to us before the due date of the pack invoice to avoid any late fees. We are happy for you to add approximate dates and numbers at this stage. Copyright law states that no performance can be undertaken without the consent of the publisher.
6. When do I get invoiced for the Production Package? ​
If you have not cancelled within the 60 day period, we will follow up after this date, about sending your pack invoice, or to see if you want to perform the show and delay payment until after your final performance (using our 'production details' form). If we do not hear from you, or we have not received your completed performance license details, (which are enclosed in the pack) we will send an invoice for the pack purchased. Schools will also be contacted after your final performance for the season to confirm the gross ticket sales, and will be sent an invoice for the 12% gross ticket sales and for the production pack, if opting to pay for it all at the end. Payment of invoices are due within 30 days of the requested date, or late fees of $10 NZD are charged per full week unpaid.
5. What royalties do we have to pay?
Payment of royalties are at the rate of 12% of gross box office receipts. (See our royalties for DVDs, CDs or electronic copies, (YouTube etc, links of our shows). Your school must also ensure that it has the correct license for public performance, making audio or visual recordings. School music licenses are usually updated annually and Australasian schools can visit the AMCOS/APRA/ARIA website to get more information on this subject. (W: smartcopying.edu.au, E: licencenz@apra.com.au) Schools must number all tickets and label the prices clearly. Take A Bow Productions Ltd reserves the right to book two free tickets of any one performance of your show, if requested in advance.
3. How do we purchase the recommend songs for this production?
Once you order the production, you will receive the pack which includes information to download all the songs you need from iTunes. There you can easily purchase your songs from the iTunes list. You will be sent all the information needed to make your perfect playlist for rehearsals and the performance night. You have the option to customise your performance tracks (to include a special school or community song for 'Where Are You Saint Patrick?' in the optional scene). Small schools will be given information about the option to reduce the number of songs performed, for small casts.
2. How do we get the 'recommended' songs for the productions?
The excellent recommended soundtracks for our plays, build up the emotion in the scenes. We have suggested great modern and old hits which will have audiences thrilled and moved. The list of songs to purchase from iTunes comes with the production package. The "Where Are You Saint Patrick?" play recommends songs by artists from: COLDPLAY, QUEEN, CARRIE UNDERWOOD, CHRISTINA PERRI, NERO, ENYA and more...you will also receive the complementary choreography examples for each of the songs, to save you huge amounts of time and energy. The "History Rocks!" play has suggested songs from artists including: BRUNO MARS, MICHAEL JACKSON, KISS, AC/DC, THE ROLLING STONES, QUEEN, ELVIS, THE BEATLES, TINA TURNER & many more...
The "Mindcraft The Musical" play has suggested clean songs from: METALLICA, ED SHEERAN, ADELE, MEGHAN TRAYNOR, PINK FLOYD, LUKAS GRAHAM, PHARELL WILLIAMS and more...
7. What if I need to change information on my Production Details Form?
No problem, simply email us with any changes to your details, before the performance, including any changes of performance date or quantity, changes in charging for tickets or gold coin donations. Your new information will be logged onto our licensing system.
8. What is the optional scene in "Where Are You Saint Patrick?"
Scene 9 is an optional scene, which allows you to decide if you want to celebrate the cultural diversity of your school or church community. This scene is a great opportunity to showcase cultural song, dance or prayer from other members of your Christian community. We recommend up to 3 short performances of 3 minutes for this scene, and there is a script which easily allows you to add your communities details, which makes it a very personal and unique show. This scene can be used to introduce the link between Saint Patrick and his missionary work in Ireland and how missionaries have shaped the lives of many other cultures, by the introduction of the Gospel to that country. The script and story works with or without this scene.
13. Do you have any other questions?
We pride ourselves on offering a friendly and efficient service for schools. Please contact us with any other questions, we are happy to help.
Rachel Sutherland
Take A Bow Productions Ltd
12. What are the rules for advertising the school productions?
You must ensure that the author's name 'By Rachel Sutherland' is displayed under the title, and the endorsement "In association with 'Take A Bow Productions Ltd', www.takeabowproductions.org" is credited on all posters and programmes in an appropriate place.
9. Can we make changes to the script or music?
Other than the exceptions below, (and highlighted in the scipt), you can not add or change anyone else's script of a published play. Please contact us if you require more changes than stated here.
Small schools may request permission to reduce the cast size to a minimum number of characters per scene, but the script may not be changed without the writer's permission.
Exceptions for 'Where Are You Saint Patrick?' include: The name of your church and town; The name of the computer game that kids are currently raving about; The name of the Prime Minister or Leader; The optional Scene 9 can be used or deleted completely, which leaves space to showcase your school's cultural diversity. There are notes and examples to guide you for this. The optional scene is a great opportunity to add in a special school or cultural song for your community.
The songs in the plays are recommended only and have been tried and tested to tell the amazing story of Saint Patrick, and 'History Rocks!'. The choreography and directions are linked to these amazing tunes.
10. Can I share or sell my production package materials to someone else?
No, the materials purchased and the rights granted to you are related to your production only. You agree to safely store the digital PDF's and password separately, and make only one copy of each script provided in the pack. Youtube links and DVD examples, and scripts in our resource packs, may not be shared with third parties.
11. Can I sell/gift DVDs, CDs or electronic copies/links of our school performance?
Schools are permitted to record shows, take photos, and sell/gift them to the school community. Parents or third parties may not make a recording of the play, unless making it as the official school copy. Schools agree to inform us if they intend to, or have already recorded the play. We charge 10% on gross DVD or CD or electronic copies of our plays, with a minimum fee payable to us of $1.00 NZD per copy (which ever amount is greater). Feel free to charge more if your school wishes to fundraise from the production. For example if your school charges $2.00 per DVD, CD or link, you receive $1.00 and Take A Bow Productions receives $1.00 for royalties to the writer. We will ask you about any DVDs, CDs or links and their prices for your invoice, after the last performance. Feel free to take lots of photographs to show off your talented students.
We would love you to share some with us for our website.
To help protect this copyrighted work and ensure royalty rights are legally protected, you agree to include a warning on every DVD, CD or link shared by the school stating that:
“This production copy is for one customer only. It is copyright protected, do not share the DVD, CD or PRIVATE link you have received with anyone. To ensure royalty and copyright protection of this work, please contact the school with the email address, if you know another customer or relative, who wants to receive a copy. This production may not be shared with others or third parties, ALL DVD's, CDs or LINKS ARE TO REMAIN STRICTLY PRIVATE, thank you”.
Content copyright 2014-19 by R. Sutherland, Take A Bow Productions Ltd © All rights reserved.