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Danny Nicholls: Principal, Saint Patrick's School, Taupo, 2013
"I am happy to recommend Rachel Sutherland’s production, “Where Are You Saint Patrick?" to other schools. Rachel’s creative use of imagery, music, storytelling and drama, captivated the audiences at each performance, and is seen by all as the best production our school has been part of."
Father Leonid, Priest at Saint Patrick's Church Taupo, 2013
"Where Are You Saint Patrick?" is a very bright and engaging production which drew us in. When the historical story is done with drama and song, it takes on a whole new life, and is a fun way for kids to learn. They were having a great time!"
Casey Baker, Teacher, Saint Patrick's School Taupo, 2013
"It has a great balance between speaking and singing. It is fantastic that it uses a special choir and special dancers for those children who have special talent in those areas. I loved all the songs, I love it how the family talk, then the scenes cut back to the time of St. Patrick. There is a good balance between past and present. The production brought Saint Patrick ‘alive’."
Adam Kirkeby, Teacher, Saint Patrick’s School, Taupo, 2013
"Where Are You Saint Patrick?” was my favourite school show ever! This show provided students and the community with a very rich source of knowledge on the life of Saint Patrick, and brought his story to life. There are a superb collection of songs which are very moving and fully linked to the story. We never grew tired of them. The script was very informative with a powerful mix of humour, sadness and opportunities for the audience to reflect on their lives. They see how triumph results by trusting completely in God."
Ben, Student Age 11, Saint Patrick's School, Taupo, 2013
"I was really excited, the DubStep fighting was really fun because we got to pretend to fight and wear body paint. It was epic!"
Sarah Hancock, Parent, Taupo, New Zealand, 2013
"The play was terrific, well written, superbly cast and the music was well chosen. The parts were great for the older boys of intermediate age, who were engaged through the music and choreography in the Dub Step Warrior Dance."
Angel, Student, Age 12, Saint Patrick's School Taupo, 2013
"The play was amazing and fun, and I got to sing in the choir. I liked the first scene with the Roman family the most."
Content copyright 2014-20 by R. Sutherland, Take A Bow Productions Ltd © All rights reserved.